[ light activities]

You meet people and try to build a common space over a certain time frame together. This film tried to stage this space like a fragile crystal, in which people move like behind a haze. The actions often are not comprehensible for the viewers outside. You can never see them clearly. The result is a constantly changing movement -the everlasting new definition of a relationship. And there are often more than two, also the people in the background – in the environment – which changing the spaces again and again and again.

The crystal, which seems to belong in the beginning to the other person, cracks over the time. Parts of it disappear in the dark, dissolve, and reform themselves again... Positions are adjusted to each other every time, until the common space finally dissolves in a final separation.

Exhibition view Room 1 (top, dark and close) and Exhibition view Room 2 (bottom, light and far)

Kunstverein Familie Montez Frankfurt am Main 2018